Stanislaus County
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Search by Candidate's Last Name

Filing Year
Candidate's Last Name
Allow Partial Match
Search Tips:

* This search will display a specific Candidate or list of Committees related to specific Candidates.

* The Filing Year drop-down will control the items displayed in the search results based on the Filing Year the filed form is linked to.
  • Period Covered Forms (E.g. 460, 460-T, 425, 450, 461, 401) linked to the year of period covered
  • Forms Linked to an Election (E.g. 501, 496, 497, 498) linked to the year of election
  • Non-Recurrence Forms (E.g. 410, 410-T, 511, 400) linked to the filed date
* The Allow Partial Match checkbox allows you to enter key letters or words which will display all Committees or Filers with the same letters or words (E.g. "Friends of" or "Frie"). To display a list of all Candidates, leave the Candidate’s Last Name field blank and click "Search".
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